Monday, March 29, 2010

Owen Happenings

We have had a lot going on around here! Bryson and Alyssa have had birthdays and we celebrated Easter a week early since we will be in California next week! Here are some pictures-

I thought I would let you all know that Bryson actually ended up getting quite spoiled and received a few things on his list! The highlights were of course a library card and an email account! Just kidding, he got an Itouch. He helped pay for it, but didn't know if he was getting if for sure- long story! Anyway, he is thrilled!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Birthday List!

Bryson is having a birthday soon and Bryce and I asked him to make us a list. It is hilarious! Here it is-

1- War Craft BC Games
2- Wii games- Indian Jones Legos, Wii Resort
3- Airzooka
4- Gum
5- Beads
6- Mechanical Pencils
8- $
9- Movies
10- Books- Fablehaven 5
11- Ripstick wheels
12- I-Touch
13- Playstation
14- MT bike
15- Fishing lures and bait
16- Zoo Tycoon, P.C.
17- Go see Avatar
18- New desk- bigger
19- New clothes, shirts
20- Wii pin
21-Wii $
22- New nunchuck
23-Rock band
24- Band Hero
25- Dish TV
26- Age of the Empire 2 and 3
27- Lamp
28- Facebook account
29- Email account
30- Library Card

I just had to laugh at some of these things. I mean third on the list is gum? Really, gum? Dish TV is a no go, as well as most of them! I just thought it was funny to see what is important to him. Obviously video games are a little too much on his mind! And, a library card? I mean, he can have that anytime, he just has to ask me!!!! Oh well, hopefully he is okay on his birthday when he gets one thing on this list!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One of those moments

I just had one of those parenting moments that makes it all worthwhile! Last night, Bryson finished reading the entire Book of Mormon by himself. He came and told Bryce and I and we talked to him about Moroni's promise and encouraged him to do it. Well, tonight for FHE, yes we had it a day late, long story, anyway, he taught the lesson on scripture study. He read a portion of Elder Hollands talk from Conference that bears a powerful testimony of the Book of Mormon. We then asked him to bear his testimony of the Book of Mormon. He couldn't even talk because he was so choked up! He got teary and looked at me and said, "I don't want to". We explained to everyone that sometimes when you feel the spirit it makes you cry and it is hard to talk. He finally did it, although short it was sweet. It was such a wonderful teaching moment. For those that don't know Bryson well, this was VERY unusual. He never cries, or even admits to feeling the spirit. I hope it is something he always remembers!!!