Sunday, April 11, 2010


We had such a fun time in California! The highlight of the trip was Disneyland. We hadn't been for 6 years. Bryson barely remembers that trip! We all loved it! We got lucky and it was raining the first day, which kept the crowds down. We also utilized the Fast Pass system and hardly had any wait time that day. The second day was a joke. It was Spring Break in Utah and California and the place was packed! It was hard to maneuver the stroller. We still managed okay with the Fast Passes, and had a great day. The highlight for Libby was meeting her idols, the Princesses. We only got pictures with two, but she saw others from a distance. Sleeping Beauty even waved, winked, and blew a kiss!

It was a magical two days. We also were able to spend some time with family and friends. We went to Huntington Beach where we were literally attacked by Lady Bugs. Libby was NOT amused. There was also a ton of tar/asphalt on the beach that got all over everyone and wouldn't come off! It was annoying! Oh well, we still had a great time! Here are some other pictures!


Sara Ann said...

So fun:) I love it when I see a little girl walking around Disneyland dressed like a princess:)

Stephanie said...

Disneyland is truly the happiest place on earth. Good girl Allison to get that dream to happen for your little kids. Now they won't need therapy when they are 30. They will remember you really cared!!! (PS Libbys hair is unreal)